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The Very End
S3 licensed
Well, what you say, you make them and I'll pay 75% of the costs for it? (obviously 50/50 would be unfair since you got to make them since I am a miserable **** who can't even make a frozen pizza right)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Bought Magika, pretty fun little game, costed 2.5 lol... sales are awesome.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Not enough!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Alien, unless she's 270 lbs, Tor won't be interested in her.

I don't even know how to fking calculate that silly lbs system over to the superior kg system :/

To keep it simple, if she:
1: Is to fat to fit in an ordinary car, got to me moved by a truck, train, cargo plane og cargo ship
2: Need a reinforced forklift (container crane) to be moved from foodtable to sofa
3: Has a tripple neck which offers great new sexual positions


The Very End
S3 licensed
Loooooooooooool! Well I didn't knew she was that old, but as you say, that might be a little far fetched

Oh, Larvik is quite the distance from Stavanger. It should be around 5-6 hours drive, if rush hours and such you probally will have to add an hour extra when passing the city called Kristiansand. Kristiansand is somewhere about right in middle of those two destinations.

Tau Beer? Never heared about those before ;p

And yes, potato vans and kebab vans are usually shattered around frequently in the cities
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Papa gets swag.

You and me should totally get a baby, and call him something like "Thundercock" or Sir Swaginator.
Then we can bring him up to tell the world about the great trollness age (2002-2008).
That way our ego's can reach into the future of mankind to enriching the future mankind which Lerts has created in his self-picture after the successfully return from the parallell universe called "Scirocco 2008" thanks to the highly advanced RB4-CrispyBicycle time travveling / universe crossing device.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Good they are usefull for something


The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol jesus christ is this stuff?
The Very End
S3 licensed
**** me....
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut : ... 14999&_r=NH_editorial

so basically a LS7 based W16, minus the common crankshaft.

14 litres, 32V ...

Are those facts lol?
I canot see any places that Life Of Brian was banned or cencored in Norway. My guess: Swedish propaganda
The Very End
S3 licensed
What lol?
But, truth be that he really tried to troll hard for a while, and it backfired when it whent to a point where people did not see the humor and seemed it more as an insult than an try to stir up the masses for fun / giggles / whatever.

And 19th july is like 4 days from now anyway so it's not long
The Very End
S3 licensed
I agree, that car looked extremely stable! But then again I have no knowlege of this car or how it behaves with different setups / driving styles.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Do you have some videos or screenshots frlm this new version?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ramadan? Is that some word for å kinky sex play involving apples and lube?
Or is it the religion thing?

But on a serious note, why does proten shake beeing allowed to drink / eat in ramadan? Thought you mostly only had to drink water? I obviously have no clue
The Very End
S3 licensed
I am just trying to be somehwere in between, so please do not buttsex me :scared:

Well personally I enjoyed Iracing when I played it. Sure, the costs by playing it is high, sure the physics were...well discussable, the online community in the game had strong and very bad sides, the rating system (one tyre on grass OH WELL **** YOU THEN) was at times really retarded... BUT, as said before it was fun. And I think that is what we have to agree on here before someone gets an heart attack -
The game obviosly has flaws, probally many - as other computer games, but if we can overlook that it's a good game nevertheless, and if people got the wallet and wants to play the game - their choise. They know the downsides, but still enjoy it.

For example, a game with ridicilous physics - Flatout, but man that game was a blast! As long as the game is fun to play it's genere does not count. But you of course got a point that a game that tells it's a simulator, probally should do a little more work on it's physics.
The Very End
S3 licensed
The same happens when people bash LFS.
Also it's a different saying "I am enjoying this game because it is fun" and a totally blinded fanboy or as you say "cult" people.

People play this, LFS or fukcknows because it is fun. The different financial models could be discussed, but I think - deep inside, you still agree that paying for a game that is beeing worked on all the time is bettre than forever waiting for the holy grail which will never come (tyre physics, S3).

So, I said it before, I say it again, please let people enjoy this game if they want, and stop trying to wind up people and spread bad mood.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from troy :Last rumours point to september-october release, price tag about 40-45€, we should get preorder infos soon (you get free dlc if you preorder).

As of yet confirmed car and track list: ... car-and-track-list.52638/

Thanks mate
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha, yeah, and keep in mind that extra protein + a lot of meat (if you got a lot og meat in your usually food) will make you fart toxic. I am not kidding you, with much proteins in your body you farts really smell like ...well shit is not the right word for it, it smells even worse.
I once almost puked of my own fart
The Very End
S3 licensed
Do we btw have a complete track and car list, and lastly, have they speculated when this is going to be released?
The Very End
S3 licensed
The Very End
S3 licensed
Talk about dicks, vaginas, sex, incest and murder, forum doesn't care.
Talk about VOBs and forum goes batshit in an instant.
The Very End
S3 licensed
I never managed to get a hold on the version with the LX8 before it got out-patched. Seemed like a fun beast to drive.

If only the tyre physic project (or what we should call it by now) could be put aside for 2 minutes and a patch with the LX8 had been released... that would be something!
The argument about it beeing to hard to controll is just...meh... Have a little faith in the community devs
The Very End
S3 licensed
The Very End
S3 licensed
Imo while speaking of LFS the tyre modell should be lower priority to get the game further in development. 4 years after the news about new tyre physics we are still at the same ground. Meanwhile things like the susbension and a lot of other physic based areas could get a polishing.
Totally off topic I know, but saw parrallels to LFS development.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Dawe, you're an ok guy and all, but please can you let this topic be? You contribute nothing more than trolling and actually prevent a propper discussion between the members who are active in Iracing. The good and bad sides of the game is something which of course can be discussed, but at some point we have run out of arguments, and we are left with just going personal on everyone here.

So please, let it be now, and let the other members who want to play Iracing be, ok?